Because I know you're sick of me plugging A Romance in Twelve Parts by now, I'm going to start by plugging something you won't have heard me mention since, ooh, last March: my novella Peculiar Lives. It's still available through all the following methods:
- from Telos Publishing;
- in paperback or hardback from;
- in paperback or hardback from;
- as a Kindle ebook from or
The audiobook's available via or, or direct from Fantom Films.
And having eased you in gently... if I now tell you that I've now read all of A Romance in Twelve Parts, and that it's quite wonderful, you'll naturally (and correctly) conclude that I'm biased. So I'll have to refer you to these good people, all of whom have reviewed it on the internet:
- asmoranomardicodais at Gallifrey Base (a Doctor Who discussion forum where you'll need to register to read the post, unfortunately).
- War Arrow (aka cover artist Lawrence Burton, who admittedly can't be called entirely unbiased either) at the Faction Paradox forum (which you won't need to register for, although you will unfortunately be spammed with unwanted video ads).
- Andrew Hickey at his blog, which happily neither spams you nor demands your personal details.
- Emily Carter (scroll down to the bottom of the page), who mostly doesn't like it at all, but does make a grudging exception for my story.